The Walking Scorecard

The Walking Scorecard
Are more of your members or guests walking their round?
According to the National Golf Foundation’s Editorial Director Erik Matuszewski , “In the second half of last year, our surveys of Core Golfers (8+ rounds annually) show that 35% of them indicate they were walking more often than riding recently – essentially during the pandemic.”
Typically, your current scorecard is not designed for strolling golfers.
- It is too big to fit in a pocket.
- There is no place to store the pencil.
- It must be folded in different directions than what was designed.
You have learned to adjust your approach because of the Coronavirus. For many facilities, people walking their rounds has increased.
Golf Digest noted, “Nevertheless, walking brought golf back quicker than any other previously ‘normal’ activity.”
If push cart demand is up at your facility, a second scorecard design would be beneficial.
“Not only has play been up nationwide, but so has the percentage of walking rounds. So, it shouldn’t be too much of surprise to hear that many manufacturers and retailers have been running out of push carts due to overwhelming demand.” Links Magazine
The “Walking Scorecard” template is designed specifically for the strolling player. With order quantities as low as 500, it is a supplement to your existing scorecard, not necessarily a replacement. The low investment allows you to gauge demand and need as the season progresses.